Baalman‎‎‎‎‎(n)‎‎‎‎‎ ex Holthausen Stadt Meppen

Sake Jeroen VeltmanAge: 8819202008

Sake Jeroen Veltman
Birth August 2, 192021.30 uur
Source: Geboorteakte
Citation details: akte no. 18 dd 3 aug 1920
Note: Aangifte wordt gedaan door de vader, Jitte Veltman, in tegenwoordigheid van Hendrik Kuijt, 38 jaar, veldwachter, wonende te Stoutenburg, en Franciscus Kraaikamp, 30 jaar, veldwachter, wonende te Leusden.
MarriageCatharina Maria Anna BaalmanView this family
June 12, 1946 (Age 25)
Religious marriageCatharina Maria Anna BaalmanView this family
July 24, 1946 (Age 25)
Birth of a son
Jitte Aldricus Veltman
June 22, 1947 (Age 26)
Birth of a son
Herman Jacobus Veltman
June 8, 1948 (Age 27)
Birth of a daughter
Yvonne Johanna Maria Veltman
May 31, 1949 (Age 28)
Birth of a son
Theodorus Anton Franciscus Veltman
August 23, 1950 (Age 30)
Birth of a son
Rudolf Paulus Antonius Veltman
November 11, 1952 (Age 32)
Birth of a daughter
Allegonda Maria Elisabeth Veltman
May 20, 1954 (Age 33)
Birth of a daughter
Johanna Maria Veltman
November 4, 1958 (Age 38)
Death October 8, 2008 (Age 88)
Source: Rouwbrief
Burial October 13, 2008 (5 days after death)

Cemetery: Begraafplaats 't Heike, Tilburg
Source: Rouwbrief
Family with Catharina Maria Anna Baalman - View this family
Marriage: June 12, 1946Utrecht
Marriage: July 24, 1946Utrecht, Parochie St Jozef
1 year
Jitte Aldricus Veltman
Birth: June 22, 1947 26 27Utrecht
Death: July 25, 2012Tilburg
1 year
Herman Jacobus Veltman
Birth: June 8, 1948 27 28Utrecht
1 year
15 months
2 years
Rudolf Paulus Antonius Veltman
Birth: November 11, 1952 32 32Tilburg
18 months
5 years
Johanna Maria Veltman
Birth: November 4, 1958 38 38Tilburg

Citation details: akte no. 18 dd 3 aug 1920

Aangifte wordt gedaan door de vader, Jitte Veltman, in tegenwoordigheid van Hendrik Kuijt, 38 jaar, veldwachter, wonende te Stoutenburg, en Franciscus Kraaikamp, 30 jaar, veldwachter, wonende te Leusden.