Jitte Aldricus VeltmanAge: 651947–2012
- Name
- Jitte Aldricus Veltman
Birth | June 22, 1947 26 27 |
Birth of a brother | Herman Jacobus Veltman June 8, 1948 (Age 11 months) |
Birth of a sister | Yvonne Johanna Maria Veltman May 31, 1949 (Age 23 months) |
Birth of a brother | Theodorus Anton Franciscus Veltman August 23, 1950 (Age 3) |
Birth of a brother | Rudolf Paulus Antonius Veltman November 11, 1952 (Age 5) |
Birth of a sister | Allegonda Maria Elisabeth Veltman May 20, 1954 (Age 6) |
Birth of a sister | Johanna Maria Veltman November 4, 1958 (Age 11) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Herman Johannes Baalman June 27, 1965 (Age 18) Source: Rouwbrief |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Johanna Christina Jozepha Hamers March 22, 1971 (Age 23) Source: Rouwbrief |
Death of a father | Sake Jeroen Veltman October 8, 2008 (Age 61) Source: Rouwbrief |
Death | July 25, 2012 (Age 65) |
Cremation | July 31, 2012 (6 days after death) |
Family with parents |
father |
Sake Jeroen Veltman Birth: August 2, 1920 — Achterveld C 44, gem. Stoutenburg Death: October 8, 2008 — Tilburg |
mother |
Catharina Maria Anna Baalman Birth: May 1, 1920 39 30 — Achterveld B101, gem. Stoutenburg Death: August 16, 2017 — Tilburg |
Marriage: June 12, 1946 — Utrecht |
Marriage: July 24, 1946 — Utrecht, Parochie St Jozef |
1 year himself |
Jitte Aldricus Veltman Birth: June 22, 1947 26 27 — Utrecht Death: July 25, 2012 — Tilburg |
1 year younger brother |
Herman Jacobus Veltman Birth: June 8, 1948 27 28 — Utrecht |
1 year younger sister |
Yvonne Johanna Maria Veltman Birth: May 31, 1949 28 29 — Tilburg |
15 months younger brother |
Theodorus Anton Franciscus Veltman Birth: August 23, 1950 30 30 — Tilburg |
2 years younger brother |
Rudolf Paulus Antonius Veltman Birth: November 11, 1952 32 32 — Tilburg |
18 months younger sister |
Allegonda Maria Elisabeth Veltman Birth: May 20, 1954 33 34 — Tilburg |
5 years younger sister |
Johanna Maria Veltman Birth: November 4, 1958 38 38 — Tilburg |