Baalman‎‎‎‎‎(n)‎‎‎‎‎ ex Holthausen Stadt Meppen

Rudolf Paulus Antonius VeltmanAge: 72 years1952

Rudolf Paulus Antonius Veltman
Birth November 11, 1952 32 32
Birth of a sisterAllegonda Maria Elisabeth Veltman
May 20, 1954 (Age 18 months)
Birth of a sisterJohanna Maria Veltman
November 4, 1958 (Age 5)
Death of a maternal grandfatherHerman Johannes Baalman
June 27, 1965 (Age 12)
Source: Rouwbrief
Death of a maternal grandmotherJohanna Christina Jozepha Hamers
March 22, 1971 (Age 18)
Source: Rouwbrief
Death of a fatherSake Jeroen Veltman
October 8, 2008 (Age 55)
Source: Rouwbrief
Death of a brotherJitte Aldricus Veltman
July 25, 2012 (Age 59)
Cremation of a brotherJitte Aldricus Veltman
July 31, 2012 (Age 59)
Death of a motherCatharina Maria Anna Baalman
August 16, 201716:00 (Age 64)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 12, 1946Utrecht
Marriage: July 24, 1946Utrecht, Parochie St Jozef
1 year
elder brother
Jitte Aldricus Veltman
Birth: June 22, 1947 26 27Utrecht
Death: July 25, 2012Tilburg
1 year
elder brother
Herman Jacobus Veltman
Birth: June 8, 1948 27 28Utrecht
1 year
elder sister
15 months
elder brother
2 years
Rudolf Paulus Antonius Veltman
Birth: November 11, 1952 32 32Tilburg
18 months
younger sister
5 years
younger sister
Johanna Maria Veltman
Birth: November 4, 1958 38 38Tilburg