Laurentius Judocus BaalmanAge: 68 years1956–
- Name
- Laurentius Judocus Baalman
Birth | May 27, 1956 34 31 |
Birth of a brother | Petrus Johannes Baalman June 20, 1961 (Age 5) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Herman Johannes Baalman June 27, 1965 (Age 9) Source: Rouwbrief |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Johanna Christina Jozepha Hamers March 22, 1971 (Age 14) Source: Rouwbrief |
Death of a brother | Franciscus Laurentius Baalman April 26, 2007 (Age 50) |
Death of a mother | Geertruida Maria Metz February 16, 2008 (Age 51) Source: Rouwbrief |
Death of a father | Laurentius Judocus Baalman May 26, 2009 (Age 52) Source: Rouwbrief Text: om 23.25. Volgens opgave Judo Baalman (d.d. 5-1-2010) |
Family with parents |
father |
Laurentius Judocus Baalman Birth: August 18, 1921 40 31 — Achterveld B 102, gem. Stoutenburg Death: May 26, 2009 — Amersfoort |
mother |
Geertruida Maria Metz Birth: January 19, 1925 — Amsterdam Death: February 16, 2008 — Amersfoort |
Marriage: April 24, 1947 — Amersfoort |
9 months elder sister |
Johanna Hendrika Baalman Birth: February 1, 1948 26 23 — Gouderak |
13 months elder brother |
Franciscus Laurentius Baalman Birth: March 4, 1949 27 24 — Gouderak Death: April 26, 2007 — Amsterdam |
18 months elder brother |
Dirk Hermannus Baalman Birth: August 29, 1950 29 25 — Gouderak |
6 years himself |
Laurentius Judocus Baalman Birth: May 27, 1956 34 31 — Willemstad, Curaçao |
5 years younger brother |
Petrus Johannes Baalman Birth: June 20, 1961 39 36 — Vlaardingen |