Baalman‎‎‎‎‎(n)‎‎‎‎‎ ex Holthausen Stadt Meppen

Joseph Harmannus SchulteAge: 101 years1924

Joseph Harmannus Schulte
Birth February 4, 1924 34 31
Death of a maternal grandfatherJosephus Harmannus Baalman
May 25, 192504.00 uur (Age 15 months)
Citation details: akte no. 29 dd 25 mei 1925
Note: Aangifte wordt gedaan door Philip Jacob Polak, 33 jaar, procuratiehouder, en George Christiaan Slieker, 27 jaar, fotograaf, beiden wonende te Oude Pekela.
Birth of a brotherJohan A. Schulte
September 29, 1925 (Age 19 months)
Death of a motherHillegonda Geziena Baalman
December 2, 1968 (Age 44)
Death of a fatherGerhardus Schulte
July 5, 1969 (Age 45)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: August 13, 1919Oude Pekela
3 years
elder sister
Webiena Schulte
Birth: May 9, 1922 32 29Hoorn
21 months
Joseph Harmannus Schulte
Birth: February 4, 1924 34 31Hoorn
20 months
younger brother
Johan A. Schulte
Birth: September 29, 1925 36 33Hoorn